Randa Salem Al-Shehri.... Ambition is still the pulse of life
On the way to the dream, there are many smiles of happiness, but the road was not strewn with roses, rather many tears fell, but every time they fell to make my boat sail quickly in the right direction. From the confusion between my love for medicine and my passion for computers, groans of confusion and smiles of choice began. Between this and that, an idea came, another left, sometimes advanced, and sometimes declined, especially after my admission to the Faculty of Medicine, specializing in medicine and surgery. Praise be to God, I decided to complete my journey with the passion for computer science. Thus was the story of confusion, which was crowned with a point, and it was the beginning of another morning of extravagant dreams. .. I am chasing after the great aspirations behind those immortal days.. I joined this distinguished college and from the first flash I made the decision that my days here would not be mere hours of study killed by the passage of time.. so I proceeded towards the times of glamor. Stories of excellence, brilliance and dazzling.
So I attended more than fifty (50) courses that were supervised by various authorities, praise be to God. For its most beautiful programmes..in cooperation with my distinguished colleagues..
We presented the (Competitive Programming) initiative in cooperation with the Programming Club at King Khalid University in Abha, where the initiative continued for (6) months.. during which it went through several stages and stations..
And between one competition and another, I won excellence.. I won (second place) at the college level, accompanied by my colleagues, in the competition of His Excellency the University President..
God crowned my efforts and crowned them with success when my innovation (the speaking barcode) reached the final stages of the Prince Turki bin Talal competition, may God protect him.
In the light of appreciating talents and celebrating creative women, I was honored by the Guidance and Counseling Center at King Khalid University.
Then the most beautiful dream came true, and I won the award (Quality and Distinction for the student) for the academic year 2022..
During which the (competitive programming) initiative, which my talented colleagues and I supervised redrawing its beauty, came back, so together we achieved (first place) at the level of college initiatives
And then I went back to the honoring platform again, so I was honored by the Center for Guidance and Counseling at King Khalid University, where I was selected within the program (outstanding in kku pride)
And after..
This is me.. and this is something easy from me.. and ambition still beats between my sides.. he asks me from time to time.. so I can't find an answer for him.. except that I am with him.. and without him others..!