Raising the level of the educational system and its services, by making use of modern technologies in the field of e-learning in accordance with the standards of quality and local accreditation, and to reach a distinction between peers in local universities.
Spreading e-learning and its applications and improving its efficiency among all educational levels in the institution, in order to reach distinguished educational content.
Spreading the culture of e-learning in the educational process and activating it in accordance with quality standards.
Improving the e-learning environment in the college.
Developing the skills of academics and students in the field of e-learning.
Improving the quality of the traditional (electronic) educational process by providing teaching aids based on the use of e-learning techniques.
Benefiting from the faculty members, and exploiting their time in the serious and distinguished participation in the e-learning unit.
Holding meetings, intensive courses and organizing workshops that contribute to the development of e-learning for all faculty members.
Developing positive attitudes towards information technology through the use of the information network by a faculty member.
Unit Members |
Unit Head |
Computer Sciences department |
Ms Alya Al-Qarni |
College Website Supervisor |
Computer Sciences department |
Dr. Olfa ben Said |